Mom's Quit Connection
For Families
Mom’s Quit Connection for Families provides free and individualized support for pregnant and parenting individuals, their partners and family members who want to quit smoking. Knowing that a smoke-free home is the healthiest environment for everyone, the program serves all members of a family who live with or care for children 8 years old and younger.
An experienced Quit Coach provides one-on-one assistance to develop a customized quit plan, taking into account an individual’s unique triggers and goals. Quit Coaches remain throughout the process, providing ongoing support and guidance to reach cessation goals. The program is free, confidential and convenient. Quit Coaches are available either by phone or in-person. Mom's Quit Connection for Families has helped hundreds of smokers quit or substantially curb their tobacco use.
Mom's Quit Connection for Families serves New Jersey residents. Participants do not need to be ready to quit tobacco in order to begin the program.
To learn more or to enroll, call 888-545-5191 or visit www.momsquit.com.

The Mom’s Quit Connection Experience gives viewers a sense of what Mom's Quit Connection for Families offers. This 15-minute video features quit tips, program details and testimonials from actual clients about their experience throughout the quit process with their Quit Coach.